Soledad García Güemes; Elia Fernández-Díaz

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Soledad García Güemes: Actualmente trabajo como Maestra de Infantil en una escuela pública de Cantabria, España. Asimismo, soy monitora de tiempo libre y poseo experiencia en el ámbito de educación no formal. He participado en acciones formativas en torno a la práctica docente en diversas áreas, tales como Neurociencias en Educación, Dinámicas y Técnicas de Trabajo en equipo, Pedagogía Waldorf en Educación Infantil, entre otras. Tras realizar el Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Contextos Educativos en la Universidad de Cantabria, realicé el Máster de Psicomotricidad y continué aumentando mi experiencia en dinamización y coordinación de servicios de Tiempo Libre. Soledad García Güemes in English: I currently work as a teacher of Pre-school Education in a public school in Cantabria, Spain. I am also a free-time monitor and have experience in the non-formal education field. I have participated in training processes around teaching practice in different fields, such as Neurosciences in Education, Dynamics and Teamwork Techniques, Waldorf Pedagogy in Infant Education, among others. After a Master's Degree in Research and Innovation in Educational Contexts at the University of Cantabria, I also completed a Master's Degree in Psychomotricity and continued to increase my experience in the dynamisation and coordination of Leisure Time services.
Dr. Elia Fernández-Díaz: Doctor in Education. I began my professional career as a Pre-school teacher and currently work as a lecturer in Curriculum Innovation (Department of Education at University of Cantabria, Spain). Among my research interests are recognized: In-service teacher training, technologically mediated action research, strategies for the innovative use of ICT, and School Improvement from a qualitative paradigm, among others. My most recent research interests and publications are related to participatory action research, critical literacy and disruptive teaching practices in Higher Education. I am a Co-ordinating Group member of the Spanish Technology Network, a member of Collaborative Action Research Network, and a reviewer for Social Publishers Foundation.